We will be utilizing electronic draws for this meet using SpeechWire. Please make sure you are logged into your account on SpeechWire Live before the draw meeting. This will allow us to help you troubleshoot any issues before your draw time comes up.
Draw Procedure
Draws will occur in 8 minute intervals. See specific draw times by round here.
When it is time to draw, the draw room manager will read the names of the competitors whose turn it is to draw and then they will release a set of 3 selections to those competitors.
When a draw opens for you, you gain the ability to draw within your SpeechWire Live account. You will see a link to enter your draw.
Once you click that link to enter draw, you will see a summary of your day’s draws, along with links to draw now for your current round.
Once you click “Click here to draw now”, you will receive choices of questions. Choose one to select your topic/story/selection for that draw.
After drawing, it is time to prepare your selection.
After your performance, check the schematics for your next round on SpeechWire. Note your draw time, and be sure to be in the draw room at least fifteen minutes before your scheduled time to draw.
Competitor Responsibilities
- It is your responsibility to make sure you draw on time
- It is your responsibility to make sure you are at your performance room on time
- It is your responsibility to ask the draw room managers any questions you may have. They are there to help!
Category Specific Information
Extemporaneous Speaking
- Competitors may choose to use one side of a single note card during the delivery of the speech.
- Internet access is allowed during prep time.
- Competitors will draw for every round. You may not repeat a selection at this tournament. You must perform a new selection for each round, including finals.
- After the contestant has drawn a selection, the student shall not confer or have any communication in any way with a coach or others until the speech has been delivered.
Extemporaneous Reading
- All sections and all poems will be used for extemporaneous reading.
- Speakers are required to use the book.
- Competitors will draw for every round. You may not repeat a selection at this tournament. You must perform a new selection for each round, including finals.
- After the contestant has drawn a selection, the student shall not confer or have any communication in any way with a coach or others until the speech has been delivered.
- All stories will be used for draws
- Competitors will draw for every round. You may not repeat a selection at this tournament. You must perform a new selection for each round, including finals.
- After the contestant has drawn a selection, the student shall not confer or have any communication in any way with a coach or others until the speech has been delivered.